The UK is Biospain's guest country! UK Trade & Investment have recognised the importance of a strong UK presence and has allocated 10 TAP grants for UK exhibitors. BioPartner allocates these £1,000 grants to offset costs, and offers a UK Delegation package that includes accomodation at the Ercilla Hotel, subsidised by the Spanish Government.
Click to view
Click here to display company names and photographs of UK-based members of the official delegation to Biospain, 19-21 Sept 2012.
Click here for the UK flyer for more information.
This directory has been compiled to assist recognition of UK delegates and to encourage networking. Companies that registered for the conference through BioPartner.co.uk are shown; all other UK delegates
can be reached through the conference website. Please note, this is not a partnering site, nor a source of contact information.
Your entry
You can login to this site to change your entry or upload a new photograph.
Use the 'forgotten password' link if needed. To request a full entry, or to join the UK delegation, see http://www.biopartner.co.uk/delegation_biospain.php for benefits, and contact us below.
The conference
BIOSPAIN 2012 is organised by
BIOSPAIN 2012 will be held in its 6th edition in Bilbao (19th-21st September 2012) featuring a trade exhibition, a partnering event, an investment forum, the BIOTEC 2012 scientific congress, top level seminars & conferences and a career fair with a well balanced mixture of local and international private companies, universities, overseas clusters, research institutes and governmental bodies.
Since its first edition, launched back in the year 2003, it has become one of the leading biotechnology events in Europe. In its 5th edition (2010), held in Pamplona (Navarre, Spain), Biospain attracted over 1,300 delegates, 650 companies from 25 countries, featured 168 exhibitors and over 2,100 one-to-one partnering meetings were held, becoming the 7th largest biotech partnering event organized in 2010.
Select 'Conference homepage' above for more information and to access the partnering system.
UK point of contact
If you would like to make contact with anybody displayed on this site, or need assistance please call or email BioPartner: enquiries@biopartner.co.uk
+44 (0) 1865 784737